Hi there!
I don't know what's come over me but I suddenly felt like putting some of my thoughts down in writing. These pages are all about me, me, me. And about life. And I don't expect anybody to ever read them. But if you do, feel free to comment. Why am I putting this online? Well, I guess my hope is that some fantastic like minded guy reads this, contacts me and I've never met him before but he happens to live around the corner of mine. Have I mentioned that he's georgious looking? Hey! Gotta have dreams! Another thought is that deep down I would prefer to tell this stuff into someone's face but unless they'd never ever interrupt me and let me explain everything very carefully (sometimes taking several minutes to think about how to do that) then they'd probably just tell me to see a psychiatrist!
Now where shall I start. Life sucks. Oops! Don't get me wrong. I love life with all it's ups and downs. Am I suicidal? No. Far from it. Life is an experience far too valuable to miss. After all, how could we appreciate the ups without experiencing the downs from time to time. It's the downs that help us develop and grow. Life is a journey. Bad and horrible things happen along the way. But I believe (actually.. I have absolutely no doubt) that everything happens for a reason. That's turned out to be a very healthy approach to life for me. My motto is to enjoy life and see the good in everything that happens. Shit happens. But when it does I think about how it might help my personal development. Doesn't make sense? Nevermind. Life rarely does. Or does it?
Still reading? Wow! You wouldn't happen to be a gorgeous looking guy living round the corner of mine, would you? You've probably seen me around. I often listen to music or sing while walking down the road or waiting at the bus stop. You would only have heard me sing if I didn't see you though. I am shy like that. I usually look pretty serious most of the time. I hope you are not one of those guys who tell me that I should cheer up or smile. I am not being miserable and I don't need cheering up. I am probably just thinking about life and what it is and what it isn't.
If you've ever seen me enter or leave my home then you might have thought that I seem a bit young to own a house like that. That's because I am. I am lucky to have parents who offered me to pay the deposit of this pretty house while I live in it and basically buy it off them. But just as one would expect, everything comes with a price. While this pretty little house is the cause for lots of good things in my life, it has also been my greatest challenge yet. Let me explain:
advantages: freedom, control
down side: lack of the above.
Freedom is very important to me. While I feel free to do what I want in my own home I also feel chained by the bills, by the location, even by the grass in the garden that just keeps growing despite my best efforts of convincing it to stop growing once it's reached a height of 5cm. See my point?
--> living the "normal" life
The Heart Of The Storm!
13 years ago
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