November 29, 2004

First blog entry!

Here we go! I have wanted to start this for absolutely ages!! I shall come here to be happy, sad, mad and talk about everything that moves me.

Just to get things started a little summary of what is going on at the moment:
Drama school of course. Had a major identity crisis two weeks ago and it helped me a lot. But I have talked soo much about it already I don't feel like writing about it again. Let's just say that as a result of that weekend I have become more self confident and less scared of... well,... embarassing myself or separating myself from others. Not in a way that I am making myself an outsider - in fact, I have been an outsider ever since I was 9 years old. As a result of that I became, as class mates called it for the lack of a better word - "too social". Meaning that I was trying to please everyone and didn't dare disagreeing with anyone. I earned the compliments of being the kindest and sweetest person and all that, but I didn't want that. The person people were describing was someone I didn't like.

I am now NOT less understanding, respectful or any of those other things people mention as my good values. They are still a large and important part of me and I value them a lot. But that weekend two weeks ago something clicked. Since then I have been able to disagree with people - not disrespectfully - and have proper conversations whereas before I would just stand there and nod. I also don't let people walk all over me anymore. And to my surprise: People are liking it! I was always scared that if I let my "dark side" (geek is coming out of hiding here) out to play I would piss people off and really just screw things up! But no!

I am still getting used to it and it is somewhat scary but it is all good. Well, nothing ever is, is it? If I have disagreements with people I go home and think about them whereas earlier my mind would just be at peace. Quiet. How boring is THAT? ^_^

That was that.

Then there are my hobbies: I have a few comic scripts written up that should be published by summer 05, and I am planning on drawing one of them myself, which is very scary since I haven't done much of sequential art at all! But I'll manage.

I also started playing darts again. And it seems I am rather talented! The other day I got all three darts in bull's eye (even though the second one bounced off the first). That was a great moment! Haven't been able to achieve that again since but... nevermind. ^_^

My new flat is shaping up nicely. I now got a desk which means I no longer get back ache from sitting in front of the PC. Should get table and chairs today so I can invite people for some board games or something.

Right. Not in the mood to write any more. Laters!


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